January 9, 2009

Tin Man #2

No, Tin Man is not a rock ‘n roll or country or blues singer.  At least, not professionally.  I was really disappointed with you out there (assuming that any of you are really out there), because I did not get too many guesses as to what Tin Man is noted for.

Tin Man loves his Harley, his beer, his ice house, his dancing and his occasional singing with the band.  But, what Tin Man is most known for is his work for and with homes for battered women in the Pearland area.  I was told that he is one of the chief organizers for a couple of fund raisers for homes for battered women and regularly donates his time to help maintain the homes.

Although he will not talk, at all, about himself or any work that he does, he is a lot of fun to be around; and, a pretty good singer to boot!

This photo was taken at Scooter's Ice House in Pearland during a wrap-up party for one of the fund raisers.  As you can see, these folks know how to raise more than money!

Camera settings:  Nikon D3, 70-200 f/2.8 at 100mm, shot at ISO 800, f/5.6 and 1/125 of a second.

Post Processing:  

Lightroom—set white and black point, and added mid-tone contrast, added clarity.

Photoshop—converted to black and white using nik Silver Efex Pro.


  1. I like this one of Tin Man much better as it does not have the texture. I also really like the moment you caught. It shows his feelings with the expression on his face and the way his arm is raised. I also like the depth of field with the other band member (or maybe a patron?) less focused but you can still tell what is back there. The lighting is very nice too ---the way his hair is lit and his face and arm. It is nice to know someone local is out there helping battered women. I was the closest, with rescuing stray dogs, right? :)

  2. I like this photo a lot. It captures so much, place, time and emotion. You cannot do much more with a photo of somebody. His gesture is perfect and your position relative to him is also perfect. I am not sure what the lighting was, but since you shot it at ISO 800, I am assuming it is all ambient light. If so, you did a great job managing that light.
    The Professor

  3. Good environmental portrait. You really get a feel for who this person is. I like how dark and out of focus the background is.

  4. Great exposure, composition, capture of expression and emotion all in one frame. I also like that it's not in color. It would have ruined the shot.


  5. Nice. Like the overall feel of the photo.

  6. The two images of the Tin Man are two of my favorite iamges that I have seen of yours.

    The story is great but the image just makes me want to be around this guy. His energy really comes through.

    Both the shot and post on both are fantastic.
