April 3, 2009

A Storm Coming

As we entered back into Texas, this is what greeted us—a storm that stretched from West Texas to Houston.  JD and I sat at a rest stop and watched this storm quickly move-in.  It was most interesting to watch, at least until the rain and hail started.

I wanted this photo to be about the clouds and the storm, thus, only a very small portion of the land.


Camera settings:  Nikon D3, 28-70mm f/2.8 at 28mm, shot at ISO 200, f/13 and 1/30th of a second.

Post Processing:

Lightroom:  Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast, clarity and vibrance.

Photoshop:  Used nik Color Efex Pro tonal contrast filter on the sky to add very local contrast to highlights, mid-tones and shadows in the clouds, and then added a curves adjustment to lighten the foreground. 


  1. This shot really shows the wide open expanses of West Texas. I can picture it like I was sitting there watching it roll in.

    I like the treatment you presented here. Nice job.


  2. Never been to west Texas however from what I have been told you got what I image it to be. The clouds and how you treated them are nice. Good pix.

  3. Excellent landscape. It captures what west Texas is all about. Fast moving storms and open plains.

  4. Nice shot. Like the feel that this photo has. You understand what was going on when you look at it.
