May 20, 2009

Friendswood Car Show #5

Just as I was leaving the car show, a great storm rolled-in over the park.  The sky turned dark, except for flashes of lightning.  At that exact moment, a green Lamborghini rolled out of the park and headed towards the storm.  I quickly moved my camera to my eye and fired as many shots as I could before the Lamborghini roared off into the storm.

OK, that is the story that I wished was attached to this photo.  The real story is that I had a non-descript photo of a cool car.  I shot the photo low so that I could get the shapes of the Lamborghini.   I really did not care whether people would be able to determine that it was a car--I wanted the shapes.  

I replaced the background with one from my files and then ran a few filters on the car and the background to try to give the whole photo a surreal look.


Camera settings:  Nikon D700, 28-70mm f/11 at 60mm, shot at ISO 200, f/11 and 1/180th of a second.

Post Processing:

Lightroom—Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast, increased saturation of green.

Photoshop—Replaced background with the sky with lightning and then ran Kubuto’s Lord of Rings filter and increased the overall contrast on the car. 


  1. I'm just out blog-hopping and stumbled on yours. I never, ever thought of the art of car photography. Wow! Great photos. Best of luck!

  2. You were very lucky that the weather turned and the clouds helped you finally get a good photo. I enjoy your photos but more importantly I enjoy your write-ups especially your humor.

  3. You know, if you added a couple of lighting bolts with brushes and a wild-ass edge, you might really be on to something here. :-)
    Seriously, great job of abstracting the car and pushing the image to its limits.

  4. WOW! This photo looks like it is right out of an ad. Great job.
    Charles M

  5. Great job. The colors are striking. The abstract nature makes you look twice.
    The Professor

  6. I'm thinking Sci-Fi. I really like the look of your car art!!

  7. I really like all five of the Friendswood Car Show shots! You show terrific creativity with the captures and post-processing! I would be very hard pressed to pick a fav from the group!

    Well done!
