September 22, 2009

A Landscape Photo for All Photographers

It is required. All landscape photographers must have a photo of Yosemite Valley from about the same place that Ansel Adams took many of his photos. I think everyone needs to follow a master so that you can put a little reality back into yourself. Yes, I know this is not as good as his, but, who’s is? I will just live with that!

I took this photo earlier this year and just have not done much with it. I finally decided to convert it to black and white—I think that I have a death wish or something.


Camera settings: Nikon D700, Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8 at 35mm, shot at ISO 200, f/13 and 1/125th of a second.

Post Processing:

Lightroom—Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast and added clarity.

Photoshop—used nik Silver Efex Pro to convert photo to black and white.


  1. Nice job Larry. Great capture of a great spot. Ken Burns has a documentary coming up on the National Parks and I saw a list of his top ten parks, which included this one. After I read it I realized I haven't been to any of them! This shot helps solidify my determination to change that.

  2. Larry "Ansel Adams" Patrick? :-)

    Why bust your hump doing all those lucrative portrait sessions when you can shoot nature for free? :-)

    Beautiful location and nice composition!

    Well done!

  3. Ansel Adams you aren't, however, I would hang this one in my house. I have been to Yosemite many times and I know exactly where you took this one. Great job.

  4. Very nice. As much as it's photographed, a magnificent site, and really nice postprocessing. I admire how you kept the sky so noise-less.

  5. Good job even if you are not Mr. Adams. Like to high contrast nature. It brings out the details within the scene.

  6. Not an Ansel Adam but still good. Like the composition and the lighting. The sky really makes the photo.
    The Professor
