September 17, 2009

I Came, I Saw, I Shot

Not much to tell about this photo. I saw the barn one evening outside the Badlands National Park, but the lighting was not very good. I decided that morning light would be much better, so I returned the next day and took the shot.

I like the simple scene and the simple primary colors of red, yellow and blue. I thought that the road leading to the barn provided a nice leading line to the barn and the few clouds broke-up the sky just enough to add a little interest to it.


Camera settings: Nikon D3, Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8 at 70mm, shot at ISO 200, f/22 and 1/125th of a second.

Post Processing:

Lightroom—Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast, clarity.

Photoshop—used screen and multiple layers to dodge and burn various parts of photo.


  1. Love the warm colors, placement of the barn in the frame and leading lines. Just a very well done photo.


  2. Vini, Vidi, Capti (I came, I saw, I captured)! Closest I could come using a free online English to Latin translator! :-)

    Nice photo but somehow it needs something IMHO. Dare I suggest a different crop to the cropmaster? I think I would like a closer in crop that featured the structure more (which I'm thinking of as the main subject) and maybe slightly more panoramic (like 3:1 possibly)? It is a beautiful scene but I think a different crop could give it more impact. Or maybe I'll look at it again later today and love it just as it is? :-)


  3. Another of your photos that I would like to see hanging in my house. I grew up in Kansas and you could see scenes like this often. I love the colors.

  4. Beautiful colors and wonderful composition. This is a photo that would appeal to lots of people because it is so easy to view. Good job.
    The Professor

  5. Good landscape photo. Looking at it, you didn't do much other than push the shutter and record what was in front of your lens.
    Charles M

  6. Really really gorgeous. The sky seems very intense and saturated but I like it, and the vignette you added, and the soft line of clouds repeats all the horizontal lines nicely.
