June 18, 2009

A Little Dog Action

A certain young lady and I ended up in one of our usual haunts last week. There was a lot of action, so that’s the theme of the next few shots. These shots are all about action—in case you could not tell, I tried to turn my D700 into a movie camera. With performances like this, this dog earned the nickname "Splash."


Camera settings: Nikon D700, Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8, shot at ISO 200, 200mm, f/5.6 and 1/4,000th of a seconds.

Post Processing in Lightroom—Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast.


  1. WHOSE A GOOD GIRRRRL!!! Nice action shots Larry. Good job on timing and settings.

  2. Wonderful! And really hard to capture sharply, or for me anyway. Now what does C's summer pet sitting schedule look like? I guess she may have big sister duties that may interfere.

  3. I love the second shot; dog stretched out to full length, tounge hanging completely out, expression of anticipation? Really...could this dog be any happier? :-)

    Well done!

  4. Very sharp and in focus. Outstanding action sequence.
