October 19, 2009

Posted Picture Revisited—Taking Your Comments to Heart

On August 2, 2009, I posted this photograph.

This was my second posting of the photo, but, I still did not get it right, or at least, many of your thought that I got it wrong—Again! Most of the comments revolved around the fact that the viewer thought that I made the photo too dark. I must admit, the way that I remembered the scene was closer to what I posted on August 2nd rather than what I am posting today. A very dark and brewing store was moving-in and the skies were very dark.

I still think that the black and white treatment is the correct one, but I have made the overall image much lighter.



  1. I like this version much better. You see all the details that make the photo interesting. But, I think that I still prefer the color version.

  2. Great shot no matter what you do to it in post!

    I think I like the lighter version better as well at screen resolution. I'm guessing that the darker version might work better at print resolution though!

    Well done!

  3. Not sure I like one over the other. They do make different statements about the scene.

  4. I think that I will vote on the color side.

  5. I cannot say which one I like the best, but the darker one does evoke more emotion while the lighter one provides you with a lot more details for your eye to view.
