October 15, 2009

Light, Colors and Lines

As I watched the crowd listening to one of the firefighters talk, there were three things that hit me about this young lady—the light hitting on her face, the complementary colors of pink and blue and the dynamic lines that her body and those in the background. I wanted my photo to show each of these elements as clearly as possible.


Camera settings: Nikon D3, Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 at 200mm, shot at ISO 200, f/4 and 1/180th of a second.

Post Processing:

Lightroom—Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast, added clarity.

Photoshop—used nik Color Efex Pro bleached bypass filter to de-saturate the colors and then added sharpening using the high pass filter in the soft light mode.


  1. I believe you accomplished your goals. You did a great job separating her from the background, but still left enough detail in it to capture the blue color against her shirt. Lighting is even and soft on her face. The angle of her face adds to the image. All other angles in the photo, including her body, are leaning the other direction. It creates a little contrast to the scene, I think.

    Her look also makes me wonder what she was thinking at the moment. Nice job.

  2. The first thing that I thought after looking at the image was "what is she looking at?" I think the mystery of what she is thinking is what make this photo. It draws you deeper into the photo.

  3. Yes. You did what you wanted with this one.
    Charles M

  4. How can I get a copy of the picture of the beautiful little girl?
