October 1, 2009

Local Hindu Temple

A couple weeks ago, I went over to a local Hindu Temple with one of my friends who is a member of the temple. While there, I was asked to take the photograph of a couple of the priest. This is one of those photographs.

Overall, I was pleased with the photo, but there are a few things that I wished I had done. First, I probably should have asked him to take his watch off. I think the watch seems to out of place with his attire. Second, I wish that I had used slower shutter speed. The slower shutter speed would have provided more ambient light onto the background and also blurred the walking priest a little more.


Camera settings: Nikon D3, Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8 at 32mm, shot at ISO 200, f/2.8 and 1/90th of a second with Nikon SB-800s on right of camera, held by my friend and feathered slightly in front of priest and triggered by Nikon SU-800 using CLS.

Post Processing:

Lightroom—Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast, clarity.

Photoshop—Cloned a few hot spots out of the photograph and used nik Color Efex Pro tonal contrast filter to add contrast to shadows, mid-tones and highlights to the priest’s robes and the background behind him.


  1. My flash photos never look this good. You have mastered flash. Nice photo.

  2. Nice portrait but it does not seem to have your usual pop. Not sure why. It seems to be a little flat.

  3. Nice exposure and composition!

    Did you use automatic are manual settings through the SU-800?

    Well done!
