November 19, 2009

Contemporary and Edgy?

Tuesday night, a representative from The Arts Alliance Center of Clear Lake discussed at the Bay Area Photo Club’s officers meeting an upcoming art show that they will be presenting in the near future. I am not really sure what the theme of the show is, but, I think it has something to do with contemporary and edgy photographs.

For some reason, I started searching my Lightroom catalog for something that I might submit. While searching, I came across this photo. I took this one at Dickens on the Strand last December. I thought the masks were really cool, but I never seemed to get the light and the framing of the image quite right.

This morning, I decided to “push” it towards that edgy look that I think TAACCL is seeking.


Camera settings: Nikon D3, Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8 at 43mm with shot at ISO 200, f/5.6 and 1/125th of second.

Post Processing:

Lightroom—Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast.

Photoshop—used nik Silver Efex Pro tonal contrast filter to add contrast to shadows, mid-tones and highlights of the mask.


  1. I like the flow of this shot. Deep, rich colors with an edgy theme.

  2. Looks like the bar scene in the original Star Wars movie. I am always amazed at how you see these shots and then seem to get the best angle for them.

  3. Great color combination and powerful composition that leads the eye to the subject. The background adds interest to the overall scene but stays in the background.
    The Professor

  4. Colorful and different. Not a photo that I would study for very long.

  5. I think that it meets the "edgy" goal. Maybe you can highlight the railroad spikes??

  6. Very different. The rich colors sell this one.
