Janice and I spent Thanksgiving 2007 in India. I was recently reminded of that fact by several people. We spent 27 days in India, and, even though I have visited over 80 countries in my lifetime, I had never seen anything like India. When asked about India, JD and I usually respond about the same: “It was probably the most amazing place I have ever visited, but, I am not sure I would ever want to go back.”
While in India, I took over 5,000 photos. Most are really bad; and, as is my practice, most have moved on to the big trashcan in my computer. However, I still have about 700 shots of our trip. Many of the photos are, of course, vacation shots.
I believe that only three photos from my trip have been seen by anyone other than my family and closest friends. I thought it was about time to share some of my people shots with everyone.
The first photo comes from a mosque in New Delhi. I found this man totally isolated from everyone and totally absorbed in his prayers. I wanted the photo to reflect his devotion and the natural light flowing into the prayer area.
Camera settings: Nikon D200, Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8 at 70mm with shot at ISO 400, f/4.8 and 1/125th of a second.
Post Processing:
Lightroom—Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast and cropped image.