September 17, 2010

Concert on the Kemah Boardwalk #4

Now these two guys were really enjoying the concert.  They were singing along with the band and generally enjoying everything about the moment—the music, the surroundings and the beer.
I tried this shot two different ways—the one presented here with a very shallow depth of field and another one with both guys in focus.  I like the shallow dept of field.  I think I like it because it leaves some things to your imagination—who is the other guy?
As always jesters always add to a photo.  Here I think it says:  “We’re having a great time!”
Camera settings:  Nikon D3, Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 shot at 180mm, ISO 200, f/3.2 and various 1/250th of a second.
Post Processing:  
Lightroom—Set black and white points, cropped photos, and changed, added saturation of certain colors vignetting.


  1. You captured the moment. Good expressions on both people. Not sure whether I like only one person being in focus, but it does focus your attention.
    The Professor

  2. Like it. It makes me smile.

  3. Good gesture. Makes the photo come alive.

  4. Something about this photo makes me smile. Cannot say that it is one of your best however it makes you feel like you are sharing something with the two men in the photo.
