May 14, 2010

You Go Girl

Meet the “You Go Girls.”  According to one of the members: “the girls are dedicated to trying new things and having fun doing it.”  Not a bad mission statement, so I asked for a membership application, but only got “that look.”

The first photo is of the group performing to one of their favorite songs—don’t know what it was, but it did seem to fit with their mood.  It was a lot of fun watching the ladies perform.  They drew a rather large crowd and had the place rocking. 
The second photo is a grab shot.  I happened to see her reflections in the mirrors.  I took a quick shot of just the two mirrors and then reframed the image to include the guy in the background.  I tried to get both mirrors in focus, but could not—not really sure why I could not do it.  I think the guy adds another element to the photo that helps put perspective to the mirrors.
The final image is of a You-Go Girl seemly not living up to the mission statement.  Not quite sure what caused the frown, but I do know that Ms. Six-Shooter and some lady were having a few words about the volume of the music.  For a moment, I thought I might get a few action shots of women’s wrestling.  Maybe next time.
Camera settings:  Nikon D3, Nikon 50mm f/1.4 shot at ISO 200, f/5.6 and various shutter speeds (1/750th, 1/180th and 1/90th of a second, respectively).
Post Processing:  
Lightroom—Set black and white points, cropped photos, and changed and added saturation of certain colors.
Photoshop—performed various cloning to remove small unwanted elements and used Topaz Adjust Photo Pop to enhance the detail in the parts of the photos.


  1. Interesting comments and more interesting photos. I think these women have figured it out. Where can I sign-up?

  2. Like the You Go Girls. Good commentary.

  3. Why did you present these photos?
    Charles M

  4. Your presentation pulled a smile out. Thanks.

  5. You Go Girls rock. Glad you brought them to me.

  6. How funny! I like their carefree and adventurous spirits...but I don't know if I would be willing to go out in public dressed in a costume, and dance too! Or it would take an awful lot of tequila first.
    I like your capture of the woman's reflection and I agree with you that including the man in the frame adds a lot, it makes the viewer try to figure out what is going on. Was she one of the You Go Girls?
