Before I get into today’s post, I want to answer a question that Ellen posed in her comment abut Friday’s post—do I consider these (my posting) print ready? The short answer is no. All of them would require sharpening and probably some additional dodging and burning. As to specifics for each picture: I would remove a lot of the specular highlights in the classical crab shot because I think they take your attention away from the subject; I would probably not print the crab in the ice plant because the ice plant leaves (?) directly front of the crab take away from the subject and I am too lazy to spend the time required to remove them from the photo; and the final shot is probably the one closest to “print ready”.
In my What-I-Did-on-My-Vacation-#3, I said: “As to the Galapagos Islands, I would have to say that the landscape is nice but not spectacular.” Well, several of my co-travels on boat to issue with me in emails. They completely disagree with me; they thought the landscapes and seascapes were spectacular.The first photo is our group exploring one of the islands. The plant life you see is quite common to many of the islands. The reds, greens and yellows go well with the blue, overcast skies. The second photo (taken with the Canon G-12 from a Zodiac) shows a granite island take through an opening in another island. Here, I liked the framing of the island and the contrast of the warm colors of the rock and the cool colors of the sky and ocean. The final photo is more-or-less a typical shot of the wet side of most islands. I think that our guide said that the wet sides of the islands were generally characterized by cliffs.
I agree with your shipmates. It looks very nice. I especially like the island shot.