March 25, 2011

Walking around Downtown Houston #1

I had a job in downtown Houston last week.  After the job was over, I decided to wait and let the rush hour traffic subside (as if you can in any big city in America).  I put my lights, etc in the car, armed my camera with my Nikon 70-300 lens (one of my favorites for street photography) and started walking around downtown Houston.
For 40 years, my old firm had offices in downtown Houston and I spent a lot of hours, days, weeks, months and years in downtown Houston.  But, I must admit, I had NEVER just walked around looking at buildings, streets and the “going-on” until the other day.
The shapes and distorted reflections of these two buildings caught my eye.  I converted the image to black and white in Lightroom 3.
Camera settings:  Nikon D3, Nikon 70-300mm f/3.5-5.6 shot at 80mm, ISO 360, f/11, 1/180th of a second.
Post Processing:  
Lightroom 3—Set white and black point and adjusted luminosity of orange, yellow, blue and cyan to effect contrast of black and white image, and added a strong curves adjustment.


  1. Nice abstraction of the scene. I do, however, think you went a little too far with your contrast.

  2. I agree with Ted. The contrast is a bit overwhelming. I do like how strong the lines are and the different angles.
