June 4, 2010

Along a Trial

One of the great things about hiking in national parks is seeing things that you do not normally see in your day-to-day life.  JD and I was about half way through our hike when we wondered upon three mountain goats.  Normally, mountain goats are very shy and take-off the moment that they see you, however, these three stayed around for about twenty minutes while we ate a snack and watched them.
In this photo, I like the way the white of the mountain goat contrasted against the dark bark of the trees.
Camera settings:  Nikon D3, Nikon 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 at ISO 800, f/9.5 and 1/500th of a second on a tripod.
Post Processing:  
Lightroom—Set black and white points, and added clarity and vibrance.


  1. I think your photo would have been improved by removing all the rocks. They seem to be somewhat distracting to me.

  2. I agree with Mel, the rocks are distracting but they were there so I think they should stay. I do like the contrast. My eyes move directly to the subject. Wish there was a little more detail in the goat.

  3. I like this one.
    Charles M

  4. Great shot Larry. Lot's of nice detail in the shadows and highlights.
