Here, I saw this frog character
approach this boy and knew that there was about to be a good photo. I asked the boy’s parents if I could
take a photo and they agreed.
Looking over the metadata, I can
see that I shot the photo at 38mm rather than 70mm. Why? The photo
is about the gesture, not getting all of the boy and the frog into the
photo. Next, I see that I used
f/11, which I can accept but that forced me to shoot the scene at 1/125th
of a second—too slow to stop the boys hand from blurring.
Thanks to Jay Maisel workshop and a
little (very little) knowledge on my part, today I would have had my camera set
at ISO 1600 which in turn would have resulted in a shutter speed of 1/1000th
of a second—fast enough shutter speed to stop the boy’s hand.

Camera settings: Nikon D3, ISO 200, Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 at 38mm, f/11 and
1/125th of a second.
Post Processing:
Lightroom 3:
Set black and white points, added contrast with a mild
curve and cropped second image to simulate lens at 70mm (guess on my part!).
Why not shoot it like you did and just crop?
I agree with your comments about gesture is the most important element of this photo but I cannot help but wonder how you can always make sure that your crop and settings are correct to get it.