Now to the Pinewood Derby
At the school, the troop has a shop
where all the boys and their adult supporters can go to make the cars for the
Pinewood Derby. The shop has
bandsaws, drum sanders and drill presses to help make the cars. In short, everything that you might
need to build a super Pinewood Derby car is there.
As to the track, it looks like
something from NASA—polished aluminum with each line individual tested for
speed. The track is supported with
a state-of-art computer system that electronically determines the exact time
for each car and post it to a screen (car’s and scout’s name, time and
equivalent miles per hour). Pretty
cool stuff!
Today’s photo is of the first and
second place cars in the Bear den.
These two cars blew everyone else off the track. Although the Orange Speed (which was
built by none other than Cole James Patrick) beat the other car in this heat,
the Orange Speed lost the gold medal by 0.002 of a second for the three heats.
In hindsight I probably should have used a higher ISO and shutter speed. I think that a shutter speed of about 1/1,000th of a second would have done a much better job of stopping the action.
Congratulations Cole—Great Job!
Camera settings: Nikon D3, ISO 1,600, Nikon 28-300mm f/5.6 at 70mm, f/5.6
and 1/350th of a second with Nikon SB800 attached to camera
Post Processing:
Lightroom 3: Set black point and added contrast with
a mild curve.
CS5: Dodged and burned image and sharpened cars
using high pass method.
I would never have guessed that you could make a Pinewood Derby shot so dramatic. You captured the spirit of true competition.
You photo tells the story. Nice job.
Nice pix and nice story.
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