I only took one shot of this scene. I should have definitely worked it. I think the photo would have been much better if I had moved about four feet to my right and thus shot her almost looking at me. I think that I would have also liked the shot even more if I had shot somewhat down on Sarah. Shooting down on her would have brought out more blue in the background and probably would have isolated here more against the background.
Camera settings: Nikon D3, ISO 200, Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 at 75mm, f/6.7 and 1/350th of a second
Post Processing:
Lightroom 3: Set black point, added contrast with a mild curve and increased the saturation of blues and cyans.
I like the light and relaxed nature of the shot, with her hands in her pockets. I also like how you captured a soft side of her, even though she wasn't looking at you when you shot. You can tell how engaged she is with the other photographer in that one look.