August 17, 2010

BAPC Field Trip—Portraits #6

Friday’s post of Fred’s portrait was one of Catherine and me (I am the one without the great smile and the natural good looks).  Today, I want to post a photo of Catherine and her father.
My photo does not include the emotion of Fred’s but it does offer a great example of contrast—smiling Catherine and a very serious dad.  The reason that this photo works, at least for me, is because both people are very much “in character.”  They are doing what you would expect of a daughter and father.  It tells a little story of who they are.
As I look at the photo, I think it is all about Catherine and her supporting cast—dad.
Camera settings:  Nikon D3x, Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8 shot at 62mm, ISO 200, f/8 and various 1/30th of a second.
Post Processing:  
Lightroom—Set black and white points, cropped photos, and changed and added saturation of certain colors.


  1. To me, this photo is totally about Catherine. Her smiling face is the first and last thing you look at. Nice composition of two people, which is very difficult to achieve. Lighting may be a little hard on Catherine but fine for dad.
    The Professor

  2. The photo seems to be missing something special that would make me look at it hard. Sorry.

  3. Simple but nice.
