Today’s post is a portrait of Ashley. Her instructions to me were simple: “make me look good.” Not a hard task considering what I had to work with!
I wanted the viewer’s focus to go immediately to her face and expression. As a result, I wanted very shallow depth-of-field so I selected 3.3 as my f-stop. I can usually get most of the face in focus with this f-stop at 70mm yet convert the background into a nice soft blur.
I elevated my Elinchrom light so that most of the light actually went above her head—I used only a small portion of the light to illuminate her face.
What should I have done to make this an even better portrait of Ashley? First, I would have made sure that her necklace was hanging properly. Next, I would have had her look a little more at the camera (somewhere between where she is looking and straight at the lens). I think that this eye position would have increased the relationship between Ashley and the viewer. Finally, I would have added a hair light to add greater separation between her and the background.
Camera settings: Nikon D3x, Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8 at shot at 70mm ISO 200, f/3.3 and 1/125th of a second.
Post Processing:
Lightroom—Set black and white points, added clarity and mid-tone contrast.
Photoshop—Removed stray hairs, used nik Color Efex Pro Glamour Glow filter at 35% opacity.