December 4, 2009

Candid Photos from India #5

Today’s photo is all about expressions. In this photo I wanted to highlight the look on the women’s faces. Their faces seemed to tell many stories and had a quite dignity to them.


Camera settings: Nikon D200, Nikon 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 at 100mm shot at ISO 100, f/8 and 1/50th of a second.

Post Processing:

Lightroom—Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast, added clarity.

Photoshop—used nik Color Efex tonal contrast filter to add contrast to highlight, mi-tones and shadows.


  1. Moving pix. The colors are wonderful and the women's expression says it all.

  2. I like the arrangement of the women into a triangle. It makes the composition much more powerful. I also think that even though the three women appear to be very close to each other, they are each in their own world. Good street photography, from the water.
    The Professor

  3. Again, you have honed into everyday life in India. This photo brings back many memories.

  4. This is the type of photo that I expect for you. Good composition and color, but also, a telling story.
    Charles M

  5. This is my favorite Indian photo that you posted. The idea that there are three people so close but still no apparent connection makes you think. Good work.

  6. Again, a photo that makes you think and readjust yourself. Would love to know what each of the women are thinking. Could you add that to your next pix?

  7. A beautiful photo Larry. I agree it tells a story. Colors are vibrant but not overdone. The light is warm and adds so much to the photo.
