March 13, 2012


Last fall, I began rereading the works of Ayn Rand.  I really enjoyed her writing when I was in high school and for some reason, I thought that it might be time for me to revisit them.  I have finished The Fountainhead, Red Pawn, Night of January 16th and We the Living.  I am currently reading Atlas Shrugged.
The reason that I bring-up my current reading list is because of a conversation I overheard by two 6th graders at Cole’s baseball game last week.  The two boys were discussing an assignment that they had regarding the "state of America".  Both boys seemed to be alarmed by some things going-on in our country—the excessive spending by our government, the amount of debt that “they” would have to repay and the control that the government seemed to exert over everything.  I do believe that the boys were echoing some of the parent’s concern however I was impressed by the amount of factual information that the two boys seemed to have.  They definitely were not just parroting what they had been told by grown-ups and they were concerned.
In light of these two events, I thought this photo of the Statue of Liberty would be a good one for today’s blog.
Camera settings:  Nikon D3, Nikon 70-300mm f/3.5~5.6 at 300mm with polorizing filter attached, ISO 200, f/8 and with shutter speeds 1/350th of second.
Post Processing:  
Lightroom 3—set white and black points, added clarity and vibrance.


  1. Your right wing nickers are showing.

  2. There are two things about your photo that I like. Your camera angle and the color combination. Different look at Lady Liberty.
