March 25, 2009

Cotton-Farm House

As I was driving to Cap Rock State Park early in the morning, I saw this old, abandoned cotton-farm house.  I stopped and walked around the house a few times.   I tried various things, but really was not happy with what I was getting.  I kept muttering to myself:  “where are my clouds.”  Since I did not have a cloud-maker with me, I switched gears.  I started looking at the scene more about the colors—red browns versus blues.  With that I tweaked my white balance a little and finally got the photo that I wanted.


Camera settings:  Nikon D3, 28-70mm f/2.8 at 56mm, shot at ISO 200, f/5.6 and 1/4,000th of a second.

Post Processing:  Lightroom:  Set white and black points, added mid-tone contrast, clarity and adjusted color balance of blues, oranges and reds.


  1. Very nice. The colors work together. This is the type of photo that I could look at many times a day and I know each time I would leave it with a smile. I like this one.

  2. Simple but effective photo. I like how the colors do seem to work together. Did you try this one in black and white? Good pix.
    Charles M

  3. this pix reminds me of west texas. you see houses like this throughout the area. you did a good job capturing what it look like.

  4. Nice shot Patrick!

    Great colors and textures!

    I know you like to get really wild and crazy comments on your blog so here goes: What if you split the image down the middle and moved the left side to the right and visa versa? Whacky huh? For me it would improve the composition because the front of the house would be facing the tree and not the edge of the photo frame. Just a nutty thought.


  5. I think that Barry is onto something here. Better yet, why didn't you do that in the camera?

    Like the simple colors and composition.

