Met Herb (that’s what JD calls this lizard). Herb climbs out on this flower every evening and surveys his kingdom. Actually, he sits there and waits for flying bugs to get close—after all, a guy has to eat!
To me, this photo is more about the complementary colors of green and orange than it is about Herb and his perch. So, I chose an aperture that would only allow Herb’s face to be in focus. I wanted the rest of the photo to be about muted shades of orange and green.
Camera settings: Nikon D3, Nikon 300mm f/4 with a 1.7x teleconverter (effectively 500mm), ISO 800, f/8 and 1/60th of a second on a tripod.
Post Processing:
Lightroom 3—Set black and white points, added clarity and mid-tone contrast and adjusted hue and saturation of green and orange.
Photoshop CS5—sharpened Herb’s face using the high pass filter method.